The Lord is good,
a strong hold in the day of trouble; and He knows them that trust in Him.
Nahum 1:7
Oftentimes I have taken great comfort in this little known verse of Scripture. For it seems as if I live in a continuous swirl of storms and struggles, and trials and tribulations.
Jesus told his followers that we would face such things.
Life will have its difficult moments when our faith will be tested to its limits.
I know that no one is exempt from disappointment, pain, or death. But the good news is that God has promised to always be with me.
I shall never find myself alone or forsaken. Thus my confidence and hope
has been placed on His every promise.
In addition, I know I will be on this earth for only a limited amount of time. My future is in heaven. And even my present period of incarceration
will one day become only a fading memory.
So I can say “Amen” to what God is doing in my life. He is the God of all comfort. The Lord is my strong hold,
and He knows me.
David Berkowitz
January 6, 2006
© 2006 David Berkowitz